So, I'm sitting here wondering why no one has commented on what I have to say. I believe it's just a situtation of people losing the little slip of paper with the address, forgetting completely and having no time whatsoever to come see. Anyway, I have about a month and a half more of tutoring which is actually bittersweet. I have made wonderful connections with some of my students which I'm sure will last a long time. There are times I do feel like staying home and doing nothing, but then I am not a supporter anymore of an unproductive day. It's crazy that every day I stroll to work I actually see the number of children that I know who can't read, spell or count. I wonder why their parents aren't concerned and I wonder what their future holds. It's not humanly possible for me to take them all on. I also wonder why so many people choose to be chasing after money they already don't need instead of investing in our children. I know they're not yours, but you will be paying when they're stuck in prison. Hello, taxpayers' money. I don't understand why people rather comment on how rude our children are becoming instead of correcting them. I don't understand why people buy a second tv when that money could have been given to a genuinely struggling person. Oh, people will say that I can't tell them how to spend their money and whatnot and so on. People wake up and stop being so ridiculous. I really can't stand how we live today as if we can put those things into our coffin. All ah dem ah tap right yah! You one ah go inna de coffin! Funny enough, when I decided that I was no longer in the mood to live a whatever life, and discovered that  I'm supposed to be a teacher I was very apprehensive about the situation. A teacher? My first response was,"God do you know what the salary of a teacher is like?" My second response was, "Lawd, dem children today go tek me soul." The other response were not improvements from those two. However, after I stopped protesting, I realized that my peace of mind and my happiness was worth more than a billion dollars. You can't buy that stuff people. You just can't buy peace and you can't buy fulfillment. Yes, I like to spend a little money here and there but it amazes me how many times I think I need something and then after much consideration I realize that I don't. There is a two week rule I stole from a show I can't remember. I f you go into a store and see something you really like, wait two weeks and then come back if you really want it. You'll be surprised how many things we buy just because the money is a click away.  Right now I just tell myself, if it has a spiritual reward I do it, if not, it was never important. I think sometimes we miss the mark. It makes my heart bleed to see uneducated children all over the place. Am I the only one with a bleeding heart? I see people who just need an encouraging word or someone to talk to. Why can't we do that instead of chatting people on the phone? Maybe take someone some groceries. A tin of beef and a bag of pasta never broke the bank. I know the Bible says in Matthew 24 that the love of many will wax cold but we don't have to be a part of the many. According to the rest of the world, what I make is like pocket change to some people but I know a little can go a long way.  I leave all these players to God. The players of the-great- big- game- of tag man where money is always "it."

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