If I told you that I don't know what to say right now, would you believe me? Of course not. Amanda having nothing to say is like snow falling in Antigua, which would not be a bad occurence, by the way. Well I'm not in a state of confusion as is the norm of the 20's. I recently read that your 20's are the most defining decade of a person's life. I just hate when people say things like that and pile on the pressure as if you didn't have enough already. It wouldn't make sense to argue that one because I know it's true. I'm a firm believer of this concept(more like death sentence for those who fail to capitalize on the decade). So many questions furnished by so little answers. I believe the solution to all the madness is for the "older" adults to mentor the younger people. Am I the only one to see this mentioned in the Bible? I 've been crucified once before of a statement where I expressed just that. We need mentors but then again I do admit that they're in short supply. And the question again is, why? Maybe they didn't have any so now that they're on the other side of the coin, they can't do that job. You can't give what you never had. But whose fault is it? Where did the disconnection start? While trying to discover the fault line, I have committed myself to follow Christ's example. That's always the best choice anyway, but it sure would be nice to have a human being to communicate with.
Anyway, I've really been upset lately. I've even told my father that I want to bite somebody. You know those moments where you say something but you know that you're not really going to do it? Ditto. I'm trying to comprehend where people, especially Caribbean people get this attitude of ALWAYS wanting to be in people's business. If I wanted you to know, I would tell you myself. Seems like everybody wants to have a say in my life, forgetting that the pronoun here is MY. I don't mind my parents having a say, after all they have invested time, energy and money into me. But the people who have never cared squat about me, you have no voting rights. People are just crazy. I observe that we're living in a dog-eat-dog world and everyone seems focused on me,me,me. There's no you or them or even we anymore. I don't have a problem with that. If you want to be running after stuff you can't take with you when you die, fine, that's your problem. But don't accuse me of being lazy and unreasonable and irrational just because I don't want to be in your money game. Everything is not and will never be money. I'm currently doing some research on a couple of things because people are complaining that wages are not increasing but expenses are. I figured if you can cut out/down the electricity and water bills, then you'll have more money in your pocket. Not to mention, the food bill. I'm trying to find a way to build a house that uses electricity sourced from solar panels and a recycled water system. Plus, there's also the idea of providing my own food both vegetables and livestock.Call me crazy but that's what's up my sleeve. True to what I said earlier, I don't think that I'm starting too soon to think about all of that. I have to set up my future well. I've got a couple other things up my sleeve as well but they are Classified at the moment. Hee Hee. Overall, my plan is not to be bothered with the things that are causing stress in our lives. Even if that means resorting to the bush. I have my eye on a lovely piece of land in the Body Ponds area. I don't want to be a squatter though because it is government land. I'll have to go see about that. I figured since everybody is crying poverty, I'll get a headstart on going "back to the olden days." I can picture it now, my coalpot, kerosene lamp(dangerous, might cause a widespread fire), my donkey or bicycle, my cot in my one room hut/shed. Perfect. If only there was a way to eradicate the Cuban frogs......I think people might think that I've finally gone off on the deep end. Well for whatever reason, I have developed a strong desire to live in the interior of the country. Maybe it was that hike from John Hughes to Bendals... I don't see the point in working just to pay bills and eat. With the anthem of survival ringing in our heads each morning, the days of enjoying life have gone. Have you seen people's faces lately? Horrible. I think those tribes in the jungles of Brazil and other countries are living wonderful lives. They don't have to check emails and walls. They don't have to complain that Lime or Digicel is cheating them out of their money. They don't have to wonder why there are so many channels and nothing good to watch while still paying for the service. I've been seriously considering closing this website and my email addresses and giving away my cell phones and to be drastic, selling this very computer. I'm tired of it all. I just want to have a simple roof over my head, clothes to wear and food to eat. According to many, we need love and I'm not going to tell you what dear old Maslow said we need as well. My point is that I'm fully aware that all the so called amenities of life do not profit me much and I will continue to live without them. So much for" I don't know what to say".