Let Go



 I was walking to the bus station yesterday to catch "Mac" (my apologies to anyone who does not know who that is). On my way, I made an effort to say good morning to everyone I passed. As I was approaching a tall man, I said "good morning", and he responded with a "yes, sexy, gyal." I was speechless and not because I couldn't be described as such(this is where you reflect on my dominant stick figure Elizee genes and laugh) but because that response had nothing to do with good morning. I began to ponder on any reason why the weirdest things ALWAYS happen to me. Then I figured that I might as well be happy for all the interesting little things that make my life not boring. If you thought this was the story I had for you, well you're in for a treat. There's another one. Story two. As I mentioned already, I walk to the bus station. I have a pair of white slippers that has been worn so many times that it is extremely flat. Why am I telling you all of this? Calm down, I'm getting to it. If I leave home at a sensible time then I can take my time to walk. If I'm pushing it with the clock, then I run...fast walk.....run......fast walk...r..u..n, all the way to the bus station! My slippers are not very cooperative on such occasions and so I found an alternative. My mother's new sandals! The first day I wore them....my feet burned! The second day, they burned! The third day, they.. no, not burned..... they scorched my feet! To make a long story short, I continued with them for two weeks and the result- a blister the size of a sizeable grape. Yes, that was the story. Disappointed? Anyway, everyday I wore the sandals I kept thinking, wow, I suppose this is like sin. We know that it is causing so much pain but yet we do it. Everyday, I would come home and complain and curse the shoes and firmly state that I will not wear them again. Then, the next day would leave, and there I am, trotting to the bus station, in the abominable shoes. Maybe it's the same way we say that we're not going to do something again, because of all the unnecessary pain it causes but as soon as the pain dissipates and we feel better, we run right into it again. I didn't tell you the most interesting part. After the first week, the sandals became comfortable! Guess what? The pain was still there but the area became numb and so the full extent of the pain, I could no longer feel! That's when I was truly baffled. How could pain bring about some form of comfort. Then I realized that it wasn't true comfort. It wasn't true relief. It only appeared that way because of the numbness. I reflected on my sin concept again and I figured that sometimes we commit the same sin so many times that we become numb to it. We do it without even thinking about what we're doing first, because it has become a routine. I thought about unsaved people who run after things, thinking that doing this or that will bring relief to their pain. When it is not real comfort and is temporary. I must say that the numbing effect stopped and was replaced by the burning again. I knew it wasn't going to last but I was trying to hold on to the sandals until I had enough money to buy a proper pair. Again, that's another place where we go wrong. I kept saying, "oh, only four more weeks" and continued to torture myself, when I could have stopped. Sometimes we say, "Oh, I'll let this go, when I get something better. Lord, why do you want me to give this up? I won't have anything. What I have now, is better than what I used to have, why should I go back to what I had before?" As I'm typing this, I'm thinking these questions  can be applied to a job or a career path, an extracurricular activity or a possession. Let us not become numb from wrongdoing. Let us seek ultimate comfort in God. Let us not postpone what we need to do today. My question is, What are YOU holding on to, that the Lord has said to let go?