Hey, hey, hey, I know I've been away. Please do forgive me. These days my students come first( well after God of course) and then everybody else. If you're looking for "noticement" from me, well call me up and say that you're coming for classes. Ha ha ha. Okay, so the latest development with me has been my family reunion. It's a shame that it takes a family reuinion for me to remember my blog. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, I can honestly say that except for one, ONLY ONE, creepy woman, there are no freaky people in my fam. And might I add that it's pretty big. I've come to accept all Browne's, having been previously biased against the "e-less" ones. Overall it was a good week and to think I wasn't planning on participating. Thank God for persistent, persuasive uncles. The only sad note I have is that my camera, well my mother's camera dropped and died on the evening of the last event and as a result I didn't get all the photos and videos that I wanted. Bun fire pon Canon!( Wait, do people even say that anymore?)I think I have a new perspective on life and even though I have never met Charles Browne, Sarah Browne( Great- Grands), or my grandfather Enoch J Browne, an unusual sense of perseverance and pride has overtaken me. The stories I've heard seem to point to those two traits and though I may have casually accepted the Browne torch through no choice of mine, I now know that what I inherited goes much deeper than a name. Everything changes now and not because I feel emotional, but because the task is mine to make sure that torch burns brighter than before and will continue to burn through generations of Brownes that cannot be counted. Our catch phrase was," Browne's got talent" but just like the Ministry of Tourism, I say , "Talent is just the beginning....." Of course, I cannot end before saying that, just like my great grandparents, I pray that everyone in this family will not allow God just to be an ornament on an imaginary shelf that is dusted when the cupboards are empty or when we need to pass an exam  or when someone is terribly ill but that He will be our everything and that we will live to honour Him. Love Y'all! Muah!