I really don't care to say much but this weekend has been such a blessing to me. I feel like we're(young people) finally stepping into what God has called us to. I was greatly encouraged by a performance today. God is truly awesome. Sometimes we hold back because of fear, but we should just step out. Peter walking on the sea kind of stuff. There are many persons who are living without Christ yet the churches seem to be multiplying. The time for talk is over. We all know what is required of us, yet we do nothing. I know that God is the Father of all which means that He is the Father of creativity. Even when I feel insecure in my abilities, I have to remind myself that I serve a mighty God. I have a lot of things brewing in my head but I always go with God's timing not mine. But everyday I witness a piece of the puzzle fitting in, creating a launching pad for greater things. I was a little depressed about one of my classes for a while but I don't feel that way anymore. I have eight more weeks in the semester and I will be taking it all very seriously. I'm sure that I've said this before, that as Christians we should be the best of the best. There are no excuses why we can't succeed. It feels so good to me that I can always bounce back from a slump because God is always there for me.
I watched a video last night from a friend and I must say that I was truly blown away. The video featured a young lady by the name of Genetics aka Janette ...IKZ from a Christian Spoken Word group known as the Passion 4 Christ Movement, P4CM. It is called," I will wait for you". Now, I had a pretty good idea what it was going to be about just from the title but whoa, I didn't expect her to be spitting that kind of soul searching poetry that's dripping with honesty. I had a hard time going to sleep after that and it wasn't so much about what she said, but rather how she said it. It made me wonder why we can't be honest with each other because chances are that a whole lot of people are going through the same thing. It also caused me to think that everyone may not be a poet but we all have something that God has blessed us with. If we all were serious about the talents He has given to us, the world would definitely be a better place. It really inspired me to be more and do more. Someone said, the mind changed by an idea, can never return to its previous state. It must be true because after that transforming word, my mind can never be the same. That's all for now. Peace Out!
If I told you that I don't know what to say right now, would you believe me? Of course not. Amanda having nothing to say is like snow falling in Antigua, which would not be a bad occurence, by the way. Well I'm not in a state of confusion as is the norm of the 20's. I recently read that your 20's are the most defining decade of a person's life. I just hate when people say things like that and pile on the pressure as if you didn't have enough already. It wouldn't make sense to argue that one because I know it's true. I'm a firm believer of this concept(more like death sentence for those who fail to capitalize on the decade). So many questions furnished by so little answers. I believe the solution to all the madness is for the "older" adults to mentor the younger people. Am I the only one to see this mentioned in the Bible? I 've been crucified once before of a statement where I expressed just that. We need mentors but then again I do admit that they're in short supply. And the question again is, why? Maybe they didn't have any so now that they're on the other side of the coin, they can't do that job. You can't give what you never had. But whose fault is it? Where did the disconnection start? While trying to discover the fault line, I have committed myself to follow Christ's example. That's always the best choice anyway, but it sure would be nice to have a human being to communicate with.
Anyway, I've really been upset lately. I've even told my father that I want to bite somebody. You know those moments where you say something but you know that you're not really going to do it? Ditto. I'm trying to comprehend where people, especially Caribbean people get this attitude of ALWAYS wanting to be in people's business. If I wanted you to know, I would tell you myself. Seems like everybody wants to have a say in my life, forgetting that the pronoun here is MY. I don't mind my parents having a say, after all they have invested time, energy and money into me. But the people who have never cared squat about me, you have no voting rights. People are just crazy. I observe that we're living in a dog-eat-dog world and everyone seems focused on me,me,me. There's no you or them or even we anymore. I don't have a problem with that. If you want to be running after stuff you can't take with you when you die, fine, that's your problem. But don't accuse me of being lazy and unreasonable and irrational just because I don't want to be in your money game. Everything is not and will never be money. I'm currently doing some research on a couple of things because people are complaining that wages are not increasing but expenses are. I figured if you can cut out/down the electricity and water bills, then you'll have more money in your pocket. Not to mention, the food bill. I'm trying to find a way to build a house that uses electricity sourced from solar panels and a recycled water system. Plus, there's also the idea of providing my own food both vegetables and livestock.Call me crazy but that's what's up my sleeve. True to what I said earlier, I don't think that I'm starting too soon to think about all of that. I have to set up my future well. I've got a couple other things up my sleeve as well but they are Classified at the moment. Hee Hee. Overall, my plan is not to be bothered with the things that are causing stress in our lives. Even if that means resorting to the bush. I have my eye on a lovely piece of land in the Body Ponds area. I don't want to be a squatter though because it is government land. I'll have to go see about that. I figured since everybody is crying poverty, I'll get a headstart on going "back to the olden days." I can picture it now, my coalpot, kerosene lamp(dangerous, might cause a widespread fire), my donkey or bicycle, my cot in my one room hut/shed. Perfect. If only there was a way to eradicate the Cuban frogs......I think people might think that I've finally gone off on the deep end. Well for whatever reason, I have developed a strong desire to live in the interior of the country. Maybe it was that hike from John Hughes to Bendals... I don't see the point in working just to pay bills and eat. With the anthem of survival ringing in our heads each morning, the days of enjoying life have gone. Have you seen people's faces lately? Horrible. I think those tribes in the jungles of Brazil and other countries are living wonderful lives. They don't have to check emails and walls. They don't have to complain that Lime or Digicel is cheating them out of their money. They don't have to wonder why there are so many channels and nothing good to watch while still paying for the service. I've been seriously considering closing this website and my email addresses and giving away my cell phones and to be drastic, selling this very computer. I'm tired of it all. I just want to have a simple roof over my head, clothes to wear and food to eat. According to many, we need love and I'm not going to tell you what dear old Maslow said we need as well. My point is that I'm fully aware that all the so called amenities of life do not profit me much and I will continue to live without them. So much for" I don't know what to say".
It's been awhile, hasn't it? We're now in May and it's going to be June soon. Even though a lot of time has passed, I still feel like it's going too slow. This summer is going to be another uncomfortable one simply because I don't know if I'll be staying here or going to Barbados. It's all a wait- and- see. To make matters worst, I can't say that I have my heart dead set on leaving, but it's not dead set on staying either. I'm 50-50 on both ends. It doesn't matter to me. Maybe I'm trying to avoid disappointment by staying in support both ways. On other matters, I have more tutoring ahead of me now that my exams are over. Phew! What a relief! I hope I passed. I'm also trying to rock out my naturally curly hair but it needs a bit more definition in terms of the curls. One of my students laughed her heart out yesterday. I guess she's never seen that side of my hair. Big up to all the ladies rocking it natural. I think a revolution has begun and we need to continue to fire the flame. It's not about being a radical. It's about our identity as black people. I know a lot of people don't consider me to be black. When statements are made about me being white I just copy my brother and say "dunce elements". It seems like being a university student doesn't attest towards people's intelligence anymore. Besides rocking this 'fro, I'm also rocking to some pretty cool music. Gospel of course, that's a given. A friend of mine hooked me up so now I have combined some of my old stuff with new stuff. The mix is quite intriguing. I'm actually amazed at how much music I have, considering all the stuff I don't have yet. I don't know why young people who profess to be Christians have junk on their phones, ipods and laptops when there is an endless supply of positive music and very diverse might I add. I know everyone might not favour everything. I 've heard the arguments over Christian Dancehall/Reggae and Christian Hip-Hop. That's your personal conviction that I can't do anything about. But beside those, my word, the supply is endless. I love all Christian/Gospel music with the huge exception of that Gaither type music, whatever the bluegrass, country, something is.  One important lesson I have learnt though, is that you can't replace reading your Bible with listening to Gospel all day. I know I get that feeling sometimes but as much as I would jam and dance, I would still feel empty. The times I feel really inspired are when I actually read a passage and really soak it in. Yesterday morning for instance, I read the temptation of Jesus in Matthew and all these points jumped out at me that I didn't see before. I 'll share that sometime. I wrote them out. It's a bit lengthy. I love when that happens, you know when you read something before or heard it millions of times at church, and then sometime you read it again and something you didn't realize before, is staring right at you and all you can do is say, "wow". Yup, that's why even if you read the  Bible cover to cover, you would never exhaust all the teaching in it. And don't talk about the drama. The Bible really does cover everything and truly, "there is nothing new under the sun". So why do we have force ourselves sometimes to read it? I hear someone saying speak for yourself. Okay, fine then. It's just me. Well, I haven't done so for the day so I'm leaving. If you're reading this, go find ya Bible too and read it!
I'm using this time to calm down because presently I'm highly annoyed that I can't find my lab results book. I have a specific book that I put all my calculations, weighing, titre values, etc. in and guess what? I CAN'T FIND IT! ARRRGGGG! My Windows Media Player is on shuffle and it just pulled up Fred Hammond's version of "No Weapon" (formed against me shall prosper). I wonder if this is some kind of sign. Anyway, I'm very angry right now because every weekend that I decide to catch up on assignments and whatever else, something ALWAYS derails me. I can't even begin to express how I feel not being able to do my(overdue) lab because the results are missing. How am I supposed to get a grade for a lab when the main information, the very purpose of actually performing the lab, is missing? This keeps happening. Is it truly a sign? Am I supposed turn my back against all remote forms of science this instant and find something else to major in? Am I being melodramatic? Perhaps. I've never seen so many things go wrong before, constantly, every week. Not in first form, not in fifth form and not in a levels. Ma bex nuh! (sucks teeth)Beside my current frustration, I have a question. Have you ever had something you knew you had to do but instead of doing it, you pretend to have it shoved up in the back of your head? You try really hard to pretend not to know that you have to deal with it. Yet despite your best efforts to forget, you are daily reminded that you must deal with it. Then you concoct the idea to drag your feet on actually dealing with it until the time has passed to deal with it. In the case where you have options and time will definitely eliminate the other options, you allow that time to lapse ,until you're left  with no choice but to pick the one you really wanted all along. I find myself doing that lately. I say, God show me what to do and then because I don't like the answer, I turn around and pretend not to know. Worse yet, I allow day after day and week after week to pass, hoping that the only choice left will become the one that I wanted. How sad. Talk about a twisted mindset. Sometimes I do laugh at myself for thinking that God doesn't know that I'm deliberately stalling or as the elderly put it, "pussyfooting" around.
Windows Media Player is now playing "The Motions" by Matthew West. I like the line that says, "I don't want to spend my whole life asking what if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions" Precisely what I was just thinking. I'm fully aware that I would be an excellent player of the game of church because I have years of experience. For example, I'm intrigued by die-hard video gamers because it amazes me how they just get better and better each time they play. They know what to look for and when. What was once a challenge, no longer is.  Same thing, I know all the do's and don't's. But I'm not about to fade in the background and be just another church goer. That's why self has to be the first thing to gowhen you decide to have a personal relationship with Christ. You can't be saying, Use me, Lord, then trying a little black- market- behind- the- scenes thing. Yeah? These days I'm all about being so real with myself that I scare myself. No masks or charades. Just me, stripped  bare. It doesn't make sense to pretend because God knows us anyway. He already knows everything so you might as well be honest.
I'm feeling better now so I'm off to do my work. Ah the joys of writing! I always feel better. Toodles!
P.S.- Tek off de mask!
Okay, I'll admit that this blog I'm typing right now is being used as a distraction so that I can avoid doing my assignments. I do that a lot. Don't judge me because I happen to know that you do the same too. Anyway, 2012 is well underway and I don't want the new year feeling to rub off just yet. I used to make a habit of declaring particular names for certain years, for example, 2007 was dubbed "the year of decision and change" though I don't recall much decision or change being made. 2011 was "the year of God's favour", which I stole from the New Year's eve service sermon. I haven't named 2012 yet and I don't really intend to. However, if I did decide to do so, it most likely would be called, "the year of whatever is in store because it has to be good." Of course, you have the mental nutcases who "know" when the world is going to end so really I'm supposed to sound gloomy about this year. Well, good thing that we know better. I'm quite enjoying the year thus far and I'm not sure if it's because my courses at UWI aren't demanding yet. I think I 've finally found a way to balance everything. I may have to recant this statement in three weeks- which is mid semester. I believe the answer to my very relaxed frame of mind this semester lies in the fact that I feel like getting an education is important but I don't hold it in much regard compared to the ministries I work in and the projects I would like to embark on.  Let me explain further. Motto #1- Eternal value beats earthly value every time. I know we're supposed to live while we're here but I really don't see the purpose in killing out myself over anything when it doesn't even matter in the end. Don't get me wrong. I know I need the education so I can acquire a decent job so that I can put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my mouth. However, getting a degree is not the end all, of all. Motto#2- Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary? I believe that my best self includes but is not limited to the academic side of life. Sometimes when I get all worked up over my personal thoughts and ideas, I wonder if I'm being unrealistic or too ambitious or simply accepting what I'm destined to do. I know that fear has a role to play in withholding our plans but sometimes I think timing is just as important. What are you supposed to do when you're burning to do something but just can't put your finger on something specific? Or when you have an idea what you want to do, but you don't know where to start? I think for now, I'm going to write them down and leave them in a book until I get some kind of indicator to do something. Today, I was talking to a friend and if you heard the part where I said my ultimate goal is to be a film/tv director you probably would be confused.  Isn't this the girl who said in her bio that she wants to be a teacher/educator? Yes, but that's just to prove to you how talented I am and why I count it as a blessing and a curse. I have many interests and I have since I've known myself. Hence, the several career changes. I did mention that I'm an aspiring actress/writer/artist to which I recently added producer/director(which are not the same). I would say I'm confused but actually I'm not. For now, I'm focusing on the science/education part of my goals. I know the other things will follow. I used to think that I needed to keep my other interests that had nothing to do with science at bay but I realized that no matter how much I may try to suppress them, they are all a part of me. The trick is to blend them seamlessly into everything I do. I must admit, I'm becoming quite comfortable with myself these days and that's something to cherish. There's thousands of adults out there who still haven't got a clue who they are. I'm definitely falling in love with 2012 thus far and I'm ready for more. Blessings.
 Emma Taylor
Guess what people, it's been an entire year since I've had my website! Whoo-hoo! Guess what else? I've been typing these blogs to myself practically because hardly anyone knew about the site. Whoo-hoo again! So instead of just talking to myself, I also write to myself. Whoo.........What?! Caught you there, didn't I? Anyway, I'm in good spirits, I hope you are too. I ate ham, I'm presently eyeing the black cakes/rum cakes,(I know exactly who just said uh huh when I said rum cakes, stop judging me! ; ) and I'm looking forward to the wonders of all wonders on New Years' Day, My MOMMY'S FANTABULASTIC- MELT IN YOUR MOUTH- YOUR INSIDES DANCE FOR JOY- LASAGNA! Not one of you reading this, is getting any! Ha ha ha ha. Well you'll probably buss me up and say that you're having lasagna too. I think we should have a lasagna showdown, one of these days. The mother with the best lasagna gets an all expense paid vacation in a really lovely location. Now, you are staring at the computer wondering who's paying for this and you've just confirmed with yourself that it better be me. I know you so well. Like I said earlier, I'm feeling really good and not just because of the food but I realize that 2011 was a really good year. I won't lie. It was challenging and a tad bit awkward. By awkward, I mean the number of people bringing up  marriage and weird jokes of coming home with a bajan guy. I don't think we see the same Amanda. Hello? I'm a self proclaimed child and I intend to milk the "you look so young" for as much as it's worth. What gives people the right to think that one should go to college and then find some random person and gallop into matrimonial bliss together? Most of those hints come from the middle aged to elderly. Lately, I've been very cautious about hanging around the elderly. Here's why. I was talking to one of my good elderly friends and I told her that I have two more years to go before I finish my degree. She decided to tell me that she thought I was going to fast and I should take a break because I've done better than most. What!? Okay, first, I already took a break after secondary school before I went to ASC. Then I took another break last year. What more breaks do I need? Second, what?! I've done better than most? Yes, that's true but if the better than most, like myself,  can't get a decent job because we're under qualified, where do the people I'm supposedly doing better than, fall?Anyway, I'll get off their cases. Maybe they're just trying to help. It's really confusing though. 2011 brought a lot of things into focus for me. If you know anything about a microscope, it's sort of like my life was a slide and I was using the objective marked x4. Now at the end of the year, I'm using x10. Also, I'm currently still using the coarse adjustment but hopefully for 2012, with God's help, I'll be able to use the fine adjustment. If I lost you, that's alright, maybe you can find one to use next year and ask a teacher/lecturer about it. My last words for 2011 are: God is still in control. He still hears our prayers and He will never leave us nor forsake us! Blessings to all. Peace and Prosperity. And remember to be Silvermidnight! God Bless. Emma Taylor.

Let Go



 I was walking to the bus station yesterday to catch "Mac" (my apologies to anyone who does not know who that is). On my way, I made an effort to say good morning to everyone I passed. As I was approaching a tall man, I said "good morning", and he responded with a "yes, sexy, gyal." I was speechless and not because I couldn't be described as such(this is where you reflect on my dominant stick figure Elizee genes and laugh) but because that response had nothing to do with good morning. I began to ponder on any reason why the weirdest things ALWAYS happen to me. Then I figured that I might as well be happy for all the interesting little things that make my life not boring. If you thought this was the story I had for you, well you're in for a treat. There's another one. Story two. As I mentioned already, I walk to the bus station. I have a pair of white slippers that has been worn so many times that it is extremely flat. Why am I telling you all of this? Calm down, I'm getting to it. If I leave home at a sensible time then I can take my time to walk. If I'm pushing it with the clock, then I run...fast walk.....run......fast walk...r..u..n, all the way to the bus station! My slippers are not very cooperative on such occasions and so I found an alternative. My mother's new sandals! The first day I wore them....my feet burned! The second day, they burned! The third day, they.. no, not burned..... they scorched my feet! To make a long story short, I continued with them for two weeks and the result- a blister the size of a sizeable grape. Yes, that was the story. Disappointed? Anyway, everyday I wore the sandals I kept thinking, wow, I suppose this is like sin. We know that it is causing so much pain but yet we do it. Everyday, I would come home and complain and curse the shoes and firmly state that I will not wear them again. Then, the next day would leave, and there I am, trotting to the bus station, in the abominable shoes. Maybe it's the same way we say that we're not going to do something again, because of all the unnecessary pain it causes but as soon as the pain dissipates and we feel better, we run right into it again. I didn't tell you the most interesting part. After the first week, the sandals became comfortable! Guess what? The pain was still there but the area became numb and so the full extent of the pain, I could no longer feel! That's when I was truly baffled. How could pain bring about some form of comfort. Then I realized that it wasn't true comfort. It wasn't true relief. It only appeared that way because of the numbness. I reflected on my sin concept again and I figured that sometimes we commit the same sin so many times that we become numb to it. We do it without even thinking about what we're doing first, because it has become a routine. I thought about unsaved people who run after things, thinking that doing this or that will bring relief to their pain. When it is not real comfort and is temporary. I must say that the numbing effect stopped and was replaced by the burning again. I knew it wasn't going to last but I was trying to hold on to the sandals until I had enough money to buy a proper pair. Again, that's another place where we go wrong. I kept saying, "oh, only four more weeks" and continued to torture myself, when I could have stopped. Sometimes we say, "Oh, I'll let this go, when I get something better. Lord, why do you want me to give this up? I won't have anything. What I have now, is better than what I used to have, why should I go back to what I had before?" As I'm typing this, I'm thinking these questions  can be applied to a job or a career path, an extracurricular activity or a possession. Let us not become numb from wrongdoing. Let us seek ultimate comfort in God. Let us not postpone what we need to do today. My question is, What are YOU holding on to, that the Lord has said to let go?

Okay, I really would like to know why there are so many persons in my life that are born in October?Could it be that nine months prior was January, the month in which New Year's is celebrated, or is it eight months assuming they were all prematurely born and the reason lies within Valentine's Day? Either way there's too many persons in that month so all will suffer from not receiving any gifts because my budget cannot, I repeat, cannot support the number and I wouldn't buy for some and not all. Okay, I'm lying, I'm more than happy for the excuse.
Here's my good news, I finally started to manage my time well. I'm amazed at my new found multi-tasking powers as well as my ability to schedule tasks with location so as to optimize my time. I'm truly amazed. I hope I keep it up for the next however many years I have. I don't know when I'm leaving this earth but I was reminded that we are just strangers passing through which means I'm not supposed to be getting comfortable here. I was also reminded that everything in this world has been damaged/become defective since the Fall of Man. I never understood how scary that is until now. Even our ideologies and philosophies are tainted with sin. Think about it, how can sinful people possibly come up with things that will enhance our quality of life. Even if you believe it can be so, how is it possible to attain a good quality of life without God in the equation. I'm beginning to understand why a pastor I know(no, not mine) is adamant about young people attending a Christian institution and refusing to be taught by pagans.The various literature I've read on college and the like, seem to emphasize that many students enter with one set of values and morals and leave with something utterly different. It's very clear to see why. In primary and secondary school, your teachers do not have doctorate degrees(unless it's a private school, I'm guessing), they are not experts in their fields who give speeches at universities and conferences across the globe. Can you imagine how much of a pleeb(not sure if this word exists) you would feel trying to defend your faith with these "intellectuals" tearing down your every word with their intelligent ignorance? As the same pastor puts it, they are nothing but intellectual fools.  Even though I concur with the statement, and I believe that they are fooIs, I definitely see the pressure because you would feel outnumbered. To make matters worse, I'm studying two majors that seem to have the most fools. To make matters worst still, I plan to go into education as well and I've already encountered some of these philosophies that the so-called educators are pushing. The Lord help us all and our school system. I would admit, I'm still somewhat petrified to be a teacher but I believe that God has called me for this time and He will let me know when I should do otherwise. Anyway, I'm off to do chemistry. I don't want anybody grinding me about not doing my homework. Toodles! and remember we are strangers in this land.
Hello my good people of the Internet. Hurricane ah come! Okay, I'm exaggerating. According to the weather experts, it is a tropical storm. I truly hope I am not the only person who loves this type of weather. Please do not get me wrong. I know that storms are a source of possible destruction but I love that everyone is nestled at home. Especially when the electricity is out and there is nothing else to do but tell jokes, eat, play board games or card games, eat, sing songs from way back, tell stories and eat- all by candlelight. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Good times. I pray that God spares us from another hurricane season. Currently, my dog, Dominic, is behaving quite mad. At this very moment he is rattling the gate, in an attempt to pry it open from the wire we have wrapped around it. He's been acting strange all day which is causing me to wonder. I know dogs know when there is a storm coming but I am wondering if he knows the extent of the storm and that is why he's desperately trying to escape. I thought he would enjoy staying on the veranda, but he's been running all over. In fact, he almost knocked me over, leaping over a different gate. He's been running hurdles all day. I think I should enter him in one of those dog competitions with the obstacle courses and make some money off of him. Hey, I can get some college tutition out of him. Now here's a thought., just like Dominic has been insane for the past few hours, I think as Christians we should be running all over telling people that the Lord is coming back and they need to be ready. Even if it might not be in their lifetime, they still need to put their life right because they don't know when they'll be checking off the scene. We should make it priority everyday. Don't worry, I'm preaching at myself here. I don't know if other people experience this, but sometimes while I'm having a conversation, someone might say something like," I'm just tired with all the drama in my life" or "Why are we here" or " I don't know what I what to do with my life",  and a light bulb goes off in my head, a little prompt that says, "go ahead, say something, perfect witnessing opportunity." It lasts only a few seconds and I find that if I don't jump in at that moment, it goes. Then, I spend the rest of the day beating myself up. I don't get it. I don't mind talking to children and teens about Christ. But gee-whizzy, my peers? or older persons? It's an entirely different situation. Why? You tell me. I believe that I'm subconsciously aware that people my age and older, have the maturity and knowledge to challenge what I'm saying. Then, again, how can you challenge experience? But yet again, I have found myself in embarassing situations where people have quoted scriptures and have made references from the Bible and I stand(or sit) there with a stupid look on my face. If I'm lucky, I manage to say, well, umm, yeah, but...........This is evidence that knowing God includes knowing what His Word says. I have made steps to correcting this problem and shame on me but one of those steps has included deliberately avoiding any conversations about God. Whoa! What did she say? My rationalization was that if I don't know as much as I should, it would be best to shut up. However, I have reconsidered. (You just gave a sigh of relief, I know)The only conclusion I have is that the devil can really play with your mind. Talk about being powerless. How could I ever think that this world could be better with one less voice for Christ. Good to know that I found my senses. Thank you, Jesus.