Guess what people, it's been an entire year since I've had my website! Whoo-hoo! Guess what else? I've been typing these blogs to myself practically because hardly anyone knew about the site. Whoo-hoo again! So instead of just talking to myself, I also write to myself. Whoo.........What?! Caught you there, didn't I? Anyway, I'm in good spirits, I hope you are too. I ate ham, I'm presently eyeing the black cakes/rum cakes,(I know exactly who just said uh huh when I said rum cakes, stop judging me! ; ) and I'm looking forward to the wonders of all wonders on New Years' Day, My MOMMY'S FANTABULASTIC- MELT IN YOUR MOUTH- YOUR INSIDES DANCE FOR JOY- LASAGNA! Not one of you reading this, is getting any! Ha ha ha ha. Well you'll probably buss me up and say that you're having lasagna too. I think we should have a lasagna showdown, one of these days. The mother with the best lasagna gets an all expense paid vacation in a really lovely location. Now, you are staring at the computer wondering who's paying for this and you've just confirmed with yourself that it better be me. I know you so well. Like I said earlier, I'm feeling really good and not just because of the food but I realize that 2011 was a really good year. I won't lie. It was challenging and a tad bit awkward. By awkward, I mean the number of people bringing up  marriage and weird jokes of coming home with a bajan guy. I don't think we see the same Amanda. Hello? I'm a self proclaimed child and I intend to milk the "you look so young" for as much as it's worth. What gives people the right to think that one should go to college and then find some random person and gallop into matrimonial bliss together? Most of those hints come from the middle aged to elderly. Lately, I've been very cautious about hanging around the elderly. Here's why. I was talking to one of my good elderly friends and I told her that I have two more years to go before I finish my degree. She decided to tell me that she thought I was going to fast and I should take a break because I've done better than most. What!? Okay, first, I already took a break after secondary school before I went to ASC. Then I took another break last year. What more breaks do I need? Second, what?! I've done better than most? Yes, that's true but if the better than most, like myself,  can't get a decent job because we're under qualified, where do the people I'm supposedly doing better than, fall?Anyway, I'll get off their cases. Maybe they're just trying to help. It's really confusing though. 2011 brought a lot of things into focus for me. If you know anything about a microscope, it's sort of like my life was a slide and I was using the objective marked x4. Now at the end of the year, I'm using x10. Also, I'm currently still using the coarse adjustment but hopefully for 2012, with God's help, I'll be able to use the fine adjustment. If I lost you, that's alright, maybe you can find one to use next year and ask a teacher/lecturer about it. My last words for 2011 are: God is still in control. He still hears our prayers and He will never leave us nor forsake us! Blessings to all. Peace and Prosperity. And remember to be Silvermidnight! God Bless. Emma Taylor.