I really don't care to say much but this weekend has been such a blessing to me. I feel like we're(young people) finally stepping into what God has called us to. I was greatly encouraged by a performance today. God is truly awesome. Sometimes we hold back because of fear, but we should just step out. Peter walking on the sea kind of stuff. There are many persons who are living without Christ yet the churches seem to be multiplying. The time for talk is over. We all know what is required of us, yet we do nothing. I know that God is the Father of all which means that He is the Father of creativity. Even when I feel insecure in my abilities, I have to remind myself that I serve a mighty God. I have a lot of things brewing in my head but I always go with God's timing not mine. But everyday I witness a piece of the puzzle fitting in, creating a launching pad for greater things. I was a little depressed about one of my classes for a while but I don't feel that way anymore. I have eight more weeks in the semester and I will be taking it all very seriously. I'm sure that I've said this before, that as Christians we should be the best of the best. There are no excuses why we can't succeed. It feels so good to me that I can always bounce back from a slump because God is always there for me.