Okay, I really would like to know why there are so many persons in my life that are born in October?Could it be that nine months prior was January, the month in which New Year's is celebrated, or is it eight months assuming they were all prematurely born and the reason lies within Valentine's Day? Either way there's too many persons in that month so all will suffer from not receiving any gifts because my budget cannot, I repeat, cannot support the number and I wouldn't buy for some and not all. Okay, I'm lying, I'm more than happy for the excuse.
Here's my good news, I finally started to manage my time well. I'm amazed at my new found multi-tasking powers as well as my ability to schedule tasks with location so as to optimize my time. I'm truly amazed. I hope I keep it up for the next however many years I have. I don't know when I'm leaving this earth but I was reminded that we are just strangers passing through which means I'm not supposed to be getting comfortable here. I was also reminded that everything in this world has been damaged/become defective since the Fall of Man. I never understood how scary that is until now. Even our ideologies and philosophies are tainted with sin. Think about it, how can sinful people possibly come up with things that will enhance our quality of life. Even if you believe it can be so, how is it possible to attain a good quality of life without God in the equation. I'm beginning to understand why a pastor I know(no, not mine) is adamant about young people attending a Christian institution and refusing to be taught by pagans.The various literature I've read on college and the like, seem to emphasize that many students enter with one set of values and morals and leave with something utterly different. It's very clear to see why. In primary and secondary school, your teachers do not have doctorate degrees(unless it's a private school, I'm guessing), they are not experts in their fields who give speeches at universities and conferences across the globe. Can you imagine how much of a pleeb(not sure if this word exists) you would feel trying to defend your faith with these "intellectuals" tearing down your every word with their intelligent ignorance? As the same pastor puts it, they are nothing but intellectual fools.  Even though I concur with the statement, and I believe that they are fooIs, I definitely see the pressure because you would feel outnumbered. To make matters worse, I'm studying two majors that seem to have the most fools. To make matters worst still, I plan to go into education as well and I've already encountered some of these philosophies that the so-called educators are pushing. The Lord help us all and our school system. I would admit, I'm still somewhat petrified to be a teacher but I believe that God has called me for this time and He will let me know when I should do otherwise. Anyway, I'm off to do chemistry. I don't want anybody grinding me about not doing my homework. Toodles! and remember we are strangers in this land.