I was in the process of job hunting when I bumped into the idea of starting my own website. At first, I thought it was simply a stroke of genius but then I had to reconsider. What would be the focus of this website? I had no amazing things that I had accomplished, no activities that would make my life seem in the least bit interesting. I wasn't a celebrity who had a league of adoring fans. Who would read my pages? I guess in some way we all think the same thing. We don't see our life as captivating and important unless we're in the public eye. Well I guess you know what the end of my mind boggling decision was because you are reading this page. I would like to think that I'm interesting- well at least that's what my friends say. Hmm..... I wonder if they'll check this site. I think it will be interesting to see what happens to my website for the upcoming year. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.

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