I watched a video last night from a friend and I must say that I was truly blown away. The video featured a young lady by the name of Genetics aka Janette ...IKZ from a Christian Spoken Word group known as the Passion 4 Christ Movement, P4CM. It is called," I will wait for you". Now, I had a pretty good idea what it was going to be about just from the title but whoa, I didn't expect her to be spitting that kind of soul searching poetry that's dripping with honesty. I had a hard time going to sleep after that and it wasn't so much about what she said, but rather how she said it. It made me wonder why we can't be honest with each other because chances are that a whole lot of people are going through the same thing. It also caused me to think that everyone may not be a poet but we all have something that God has blessed us with. If we all were serious about the talents He has given to us, the world would definitely be a better place. It really inspired me to be more and do more. Someone said, the mind changed by an idea, can never return to its previous state. It must be true because after that transforming word, my mind can never be the same. That's all for now. Peace Out!