It's been awhile, hasn't it? We're now in May and it's going to be June soon. Even though a lot of time has passed, I still feel like it's going too slow. This summer is going to be another uncomfortable one simply because I don't know if I'll be staying here or going to Barbados. It's all a wait- and- see. To make matters worst, I can't say that I have my heart dead set on leaving, but it's not dead set on staying either. I'm 50-50 on both ends. It doesn't matter to me. Maybe I'm trying to avoid disappointment by staying in support both ways. On other matters, I have more tutoring ahead of me now that my exams are over. Phew! What a relief! I hope I passed. I'm also trying to rock out my naturally curly hair but it needs a bit more definition in terms of the curls. One of my students laughed her heart out yesterday. I guess she's never seen that side of my hair. Big up to all the ladies rocking it natural. I think a revolution has begun and we need to continue to fire the flame. It's not about being a radical. It's about our identity as black people. I know a lot of people don't consider me to be black. When statements are made about me being white I just copy my brother and say "dunce elements". It seems like being a university student doesn't attest towards people's intelligence anymore. Besides rocking this 'fro, I'm also rocking to some pretty cool music. Gospel of course, that's a given. A friend of mine hooked me up so now I have combined some of my old stuff with new stuff. The mix is quite intriguing. I'm actually amazed at how much music I have, considering all the stuff I don't have yet. I don't know why young people who profess to be Christians have junk on their phones, ipods and laptops when there is an endless supply of positive music and very diverse might I add. I know everyone might not favour everything. I 've heard the arguments over Christian Dancehall/Reggae and Christian Hip-Hop. That's your personal conviction that I can't do anything about. But beside those, my word, the supply is endless. I love all Christian/Gospel music with the huge exception of that Gaither type music, whatever the bluegrass, country, something is.  One important lesson I have learnt though, is that you can't replace reading your Bible with listening to Gospel all day. I know I get that feeling sometimes but as much as I would jam and dance, I would still feel empty. The times I feel really inspired are when I actually read a passage and really soak it in. Yesterday morning for instance, I read the temptation of Jesus in Matthew and all these points jumped out at me that I didn't see before. I 'll share that sometime. I wrote them out. It's a bit lengthy. I love when that happens, you know when you read something before or heard it millions of times at church, and then sometime you read it again and something you didn't realize before, is staring right at you and all you can do is say, "wow". Yup, that's why even if you read the  Bible cover to cover, you would never exhaust all the teaching in it. And don't talk about the drama. The Bible really does cover everything and truly, "there is nothing new under the sun". So why do we have force ourselves sometimes to read it? I hear someone saying speak for yourself. Okay, fine then. It's just me. Well, I haven't done so for the day so I'm leaving. If you're reading this, go find ya Bible too and read it!