I was thinking about today's culture and the fact that the next generation will have a lesser quality of life than the previous one. You might ask how I came to that conclusion and the answer is- what we value. People of the future may have things running more efficiently and faster and "better", but who knows all the lessons we would be losing with our new world. The technological side of things seems to be improving but I think everything else is
deteriorating. Children constantly bug their parents for the next big thing. Some people say, "Oh, I did that when I was their age". That may be true however, when we were told no, it was no and if you dared ask why let's just say your answer would be a mound of dirt above your head, hmm, six feet high. If we couldn't get it we would
attempt at best to make one similar. It didn't even matter that your version looked like a piece of junk. You made it and it was the only way you knew how to fill your craving for that toy. Not like today where you just steal what you want, no questions asked by the parents. My days were days of inventions and a ton load of creativity. Bet anything if we had a showdown with the children of today, they would lose miserably. They don't even know the first thing to a juicebox car or paper boat. The parents should be blamed, we say. But I think it's not that they don't know that they're doing their children an injustice, I think they're guilty. Guilty of doing the same thing but only on a more mature scale. They run after the next big thing too. They compete with their co-workers and boast. They are doing the same thing so how can they tell their children no. It's like telling yourself no, and you can't do that or else you won't be able to impress john or mary anymore. My beef however is more than just with children and their parents. I have a problem with teenagers today. Bearing in mind that I was one not too long ago, I may take some pressure off and be nice. Wrong! That's what's wrong with the world, the pressure is off of them and that shouldn't be. Let me explain. Have you ever seen the settings on a computer where it says default mode? Well yeah,
that's the setting the computer uses when you haven't changed them for yourself. It means for a particular activity the computer uses whatever program it decides to use and that's the problem with teens. They're too lazy to make decisions( might I add life changing ones) so they leave their life on default mode. If it's not laziness, they may
plead that some decisions are not that important and they'll make them when they get there. My problem with that is, sometimes when you get there, you are not thinking straight and since you didn't PREpare, you have nothing to go on. Another thing about life changing decisions, is that teenagers think well I will have to think for myself when I'm an adult so let me go on a decision making vacation now, so I don't burnout when I'm an adult. Hello! The decision are life changing because they change your life. Ooooh, well isn't that deep. Yes, you have to make them when you're young, when you have your life ahead of you, not when you're already an ADULT. Now, by leaving life's tough decisions to its own whims and fancies, you have just relinquished all power and are
now powerless. Oh, you say, "She's going overboard" but am I? Think about it. If you're not calling the shots then who or what is? That's why we get caught up in this crazy counter -culture as I call it. The exception
has become the norm and so when your parents and loved ones tell you to avoid this and don't do that, we laugh and think that they're old-fashioned and out-of-date. We say these are new times, but do new times mean better?Some people say how can this be wrong when so many people are on the same page? It's practically the whole world versus your parents- the parents must be wrong. But maybe instead of thinking it's a vast majority against a minority, think that the majority is controlled by one- the devil. ha ha, got you there didn't I? He uses a crowd
to convince you that it must be good. However, what other people see is what's behind the crowd. You need substance. Every whim of the devil leaves you more empty than you were before. The precepts, judgments, commandments and whatever good word you can find of the Lord gives you a cup overflowing of whatever it is you need. You need to take time and figure out what settings you want to run your life on and get back in control because even though a real computer may not crash your life will. The phrase, I go with the flow is one to watch out for because on the surface it sounds as if it means I'm just a fun loving person who knows how to have a good time
but below it means I'm a mindless bobblehead who has no say over my own life. One thing I have a good knack for, is sensitive, selective screening. I listen very keenly to everything I hear even my gospel music. Hey, I can't take it
for granted we're on the same page. Listen for those subtle changes in the truth everywhere you go and from everyone you know. Study the Word well so you know the truth for yourself. Most importantly, listen to God's voice because He's the only one you can rely on in these troubled times.