Okay, for those of you who haven't heard, I have embarked on a scary mission. I decided that since I can't find a job and I need a job so I can finance my education, I will start one. Basically, I 've had some experience with teaching and it's not as bad as people think. I decided to set up my own tutoring service. The scary part is a phrase that I just used- "my own". I believe the spirit of entrepreneurship runs deep in all of us however as brightly as that spirit may glow, it can be easily dimmed by the fear of sinking. Self employment is a lot more complicated than what I perceived. The teaching aspect is so much fun but I can afford to say that because I average one student per class. LOL. Can someone say manageable? I will never seek to compare my class of one with thirty. I've been playing a cheapskate lately because I prefer to see my money going into the bank than being spent. However, my new found employment calls for an end of my parasitic behaviour involving money and my parents. In the past, where the money was not earned by me, it would somehow travel swiftly from my hands to another. But now, those careless and unnecessary sprees have become non-existent and have been replaced by an extreme case of "tightlyclosedfistritis". I now understand the "Mother Way". It is the only part of household accounting that has never seemed to make sense no matter how hard you try to explain it. I never understood how my mother could multiply money by dividing it. How could so many items come from a little bit of money? But I believe that mothers don't conduct careless purchases. Also, they get better at it as they get older. Just think, young people who work never have any money but retired old people always got a stash- that grows too! I don't want to be outsmarted by the elderly as they laugh at our bad habits. I want a stash too! When it's big enough, I'm going to blow it all! (in the year 2060)-well at least most of it. For now, I'm just trying to balance quality of service with financial obligations. I don't want to become a greedy pig and bring a box full of mediocrity to my own business but on the other hand I have a quota to reach each month and the more students I have, the more money I get. At the end of the day, even though I started this business for money, I get a better reward just knowing that through education and someone to care, our future is in better hands.