Okay, I'll admit that this blog I'm typing right now is being used as a distraction so that I can avoid doing my assignments. I do that a lot. Don't judge me because I happen to know that you do the same too. Anyway, 2012 is well underway and I don't want the new year feeling to rub off just yet. I used to make a habit of declaring particular names for certain years, for example, 2007 was dubbed "the year of decision and change" though I don't recall much decision or change being made. 2011 was "the year of God's favour", which I stole from the New Year's eve service sermon. I haven't named 2012 yet and I don't really intend to. However, if I did decide to do so, it most likely would be called, "the year of whatever is in store because it has to be good." Of course, you have the mental nutcases who "know" when the world is going to end so really I'm supposed to sound gloomy about this year. Well, good thing that we know better. I'm quite enjoying the year thus far and I'm not sure if it's because my courses at UWI aren't demanding yet. I think I 've finally found a way to balance everything. I may have to recant this statement in three weeks- which is mid semester. I believe the answer to my very relaxed frame of mind this semester lies in the fact that I feel like getting an education is important but I don't hold it in much regard compared to the ministries I work in and the projects I would like to embark on.  Let me explain further. Motto #1- Eternal value beats earthly value every time. I know we're supposed to live while we're here but I really don't see the purpose in killing out myself over anything when it doesn't even matter in the end. Don't get me wrong. I know I need the education so I can acquire a decent job so that I can put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my mouth. However, getting a degree is not the end all, of all. Motto#2- Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary? I believe that my best self includes but is not limited to the academic side of life. Sometimes when I get all worked up over my personal thoughts and ideas, I wonder if I'm being unrealistic or too ambitious or simply accepting what I'm destined to do. I know that fear has a role to play in withholding our plans but sometimes I think timing is just as important. What are you supposed to do when you're burning to do something but just can't put your finger on something specific? Or when you have an idea what you want to do, but you don't know where to start? I think for now, I'm going to write them down and leave them in a book until I get some kind of indicator to do something. Today, I was talking to a friend and if you heard the part where I said my ultimate goal is to be a film/tv director you probably would be confused.  Isn't this the girl who said in her bio that she wants to be a teacher/educator? Yes, but that's just to prove to you how talented I am and why I count it as a blessing and a curse. I have many interests and I have since I've known myself. Hence, the several career changes. I did mention that I'm an aspiring actress/writer/artist to which I recently added producer/director(which are not the same). I would say I'm confused but actually I'm not. For now, I'm focusing on the science/education part of my goals. I know the other things will follow. I used to think that I needed to keep my other interests that had nothing to do with science at bay but I realized that no matter how much I may try to suppress them, they are all a part of me. The trick is to blend them seamlessly into everything I do. I must admit, I'm becoming quite comfortable with myself these days and that's something to cherish. There's thousands of adults out there who still haven't got a clue who they are. I'm definitely falling in love with 2012 thus far and I'm ready for more. Blessings.
 Emma Taylor

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