Hello my good people of the Internet. Hurricane ah come! Okay, I'm exaggerating. According to the weather experts, it is a tropical storm. I truly hope I am not the only person who loves this type of weather. Please do not get me wrong. I know that storms are a source of possible destruction but I love that everyone is nestled at home. Especially when the electricity is out and there is nothing else to do but tell jokes, eat, play board games or card games, eat, sing songs from way back, tell stories and eat- all by candlelight. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Good times. I pray that God spares us from another hurricane season. Currently, my dog, Dominic, is behaving quite mad. At this very moment he is rattling the gate, in an attempt to pry it open from the wire we have wrapped around it. He's been acting strange all day which is causing me to wonder. I know dogs know when there is a storm coming but I am wondering if he knows the extent of the storm and that is why he's desperately trying to escape. I thought he would enjoy staying on the veranda, but he's been running all over. In fact, he almost knocked me over, leaping over a different gate. He's been running hurdles all day. I think I should enter him in one of those dog competitions with the obstacle courses and make some money off of him. Hey, I can get some college tutition out of him. Now here's a thought., just like Dominic has been insane for the past few hours, I think as Christians we should be running all over telling people that the Lord is coming back and they need to be ready. Even if it might not be in their lifetime, they still need to put their life right because they don't know when they'll be checking off the scene. We should make it priority everyday. Don't worry, I'm preaching at myself here. I don't know if other people experience this, but sometimes while I'm having a conversation, someone might say something like," I'm just tired with all the drama in my life" or "Why are we here" or " I don't know what I what to do with my life",  and a light bulb goes off in my head, a little prompt that says, "go ahead, say something, perfect witnessing opportunity." It lasts only a few seconds and I find that if I don't jump in at that moment, it goes. Then, I spend the rest of the day beating myself up. I don't get it. I don't mind talking to children and teens about Christ. But gee-whizzy, my peers? or older persons? It's an entirely different situation. Why? You tell me. I believe that I'm subconsciously aware that people my age and older, have the maturity and knowledge to challenge what I'm saying. Then, again, how can you challenge experience? But yet again, I have found myself in embarassing situations where people have quoted scriptures and have made references from the Bible and I stand(or sit) there with a stupid look on my face. If I'm lucky, I manage to say, well, umm, yeah, but...........This is evidence that knowing God includes knowing what His Word says. I have made steps to correcting this problem and shame on me but one of those steps has included deliberately avoiding any conversations about God. Whoa! What did she say? My rationalization was that if I don't know as much as I should, it would be best to shut up. However, I have reconsidered. (You just gave a sigh of relief, I know)The only conclusion I have is that the devil can really play with your mind. Talk about being powerless. How could I ever think that this world could be better with one less voice for Christ. Good to know that I found my senses. Thank you, Jesus.

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